Saturday, August 24, 2013

Stuffed Animal Saturday [2]

Stuffed Animal Saturday is a meme that we post here at We Live and Breathe Books every two weeks to showcase the book we're currently reading with one of our favorite stuffed animals and discuss our stuffed animal's opinion (well, it's really our opinion, but that's besides the point). We hope you enjoy our quirky feature as much as we enjoy writing it!

Kiersten here with Sloth this Stuffed Animal Saturday! I've been kind of MIA lately with college move in, but I'm hoping that I'll be able to get back into the swing of things and regular reviewing in the near future! Due to my hectic life lately, filled with summer reading assignments, packing, and moving into my dorm, Sloth and I haven't been able to read much for pleasure, but we're hoping that either today or tomorrow we'll get a chance to start a book we've been dying to read: The Deepest Night by Shana Abé.

So Far: Well, nothing so far. I bought this book the day it came out, but with all my summer work, Sloth and I couldn't read it (sadface). Although I haven't begun this book, I've read the first book in the series, The Sweetest Dark (review here), and I'm really excited to find out what's next for the heroine, Lora.

A Sneak Peek: Because Sloth hasn't read any of the book yet and he's too lazy to find a really good passage, he's going to share the very beginning of The Deepest Night with you:
I'm not a ghost. I am dead, though.
My body lies in its casket underneath the pale sandy sod and wind-scrubbed grass of southern England, not far from where I was born. The marker for my grave looks much like all the others in the cemetery, plain gray stone, chiseled edges. Chiseled letters spelling out my name and significant dates, and a single phrase beneath all that about the salvation of hope. 
Sloth finds this a little creepy because the speaker is dead, but, knowing who the speaker is, Sloth also finds it a bit sad. It reminds him of this character in the first book and everything that happened. This is part of the prologue, so Sloth isn't sure how it will lead into the main story (with the living characters), but he really looks forward to reading more soon.

- Kiersten

Are you and your stuffed animal reading anything interesting?
Let us know in your own Stuffed Animal Saturday!

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