Friday, July 4, 2014

BEA Clean Out Giveaway!

Last year, when We Live and Breathe Books was basically not a thing, the four of us attended Book Expo America as Power Readers. As it was our first time experiencing the glory that is BEA, we were completely overwhelmed - we stumbled through the hoards of rushing people and struggled to understand that we could just take almost anything that was out on tables. That is, of course, until we realized that we could take almost anything that was out on tables and we then took everything we saw. In hindsight, we realize how terrible it was - we should have only been grabbing the books that we really wanted rather than whatever was available!

Now, over a year later, we'd like to sort of make up for it by giving away some of the books we picked up at BEA last year! Most of these are ARCs, although some are finished copies. We've also thrown in some ARCs we picked up this year that we don't think we'll get around to reading/reviewing. We have two different boxes up for grabs:

Box #1

Box #2

Giveaway Information

Just like there are two boxes of books, there will be two winners of this giveaway! The first winner will get to choose which box they want and the second winner will receive the other. This is open to US only, unless you are willing to pay the shipping. The giveaway will run from now until July 17th at 11:59 PM. The winners will have 48 hours to respond, after they are contacted, to claim their prize. Best of luck to everyone who enters! :)


  1. Thanks for the contest. Heard some good things about the Brandon Sanderson's series and it looks to be pretty good./

  2. Great book choices :) I'm most looking forward to The Cutting Room Floor or The Spiritglass Charade :)

  3. Box 2 looks awesome - The Waking Dark and The Way of Kings!

  4. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!! I'm definitely looking forward to The Spiritglass Charade - but they all look good! :)

  5. Alisha Sienkiel in rafflecopter.

    Thanks for the giveaway! All the books look awesome but I'm most looking forward to The Spiritglass Charade

  6. The Silver Six and Running On Empty seem really good.

  7. Barely Breathing. Thanks for the giveaway!
    Ann S
