Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday - Favorite Heroines in Books

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Here at We Live and Breathe Books, the bloggers rotate so that two of us choose five books each week. This week's topic is...

Favorite heroines in books!

Kiersten's Picks
  1. Tessa Gray from The Infernal Devices series by Cassandra Clare - I'm pretty sure it's no secret that the bloggers of We Live and Breathe Books love Cassandra Clare. Out of all of the strong female characters within the Shadowhunter world, Tessa is by far my favorite. She's intelligent, feeling, independent, and just all around awesome.
  2. Celaena Sardothien from the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas - Based on my review of Heir of Fire, it's fairly obvious that I think Celaena Sardothien is the most kick-ass heroine around. She's a freaking assassin and SHE DOES WHAT SHE WANTS. 
  3. Lora Jones from The Sweetest Dark series by Shana Abé - Part of the reason I love The Sweetest Dark and The Deepest Night so much is because of Lora. She is kind of crazy but that's really what I love about her. She can be defiant and that's awesome. I like characters who do what they want because I generally like to do what I want.
  4. Lela Santos from the Guards of the Shadowlands series by Sarah Fine - From just the premise of Sanctum, the first book in this series, it's fairly obvious that Lela is a passionate and determined character. Throughout the entire series, I admired her passion and how she kept working towards her goal even when it seemed hopeless.
  5. ANNABETH FREAKING CHASE from the Percy Jackson and the Olympians and the Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan - What would a favorite heroine list be with out this HBIC? Annabeth is awesome and I don't really think I need to justify this.
Noor's Picks
  1. Ginny Weasley from the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling - Okay real talk I wanted to pick like every Harry Potter character and then I wanted to pick Hermione, Luna, and Ginny, and then I decided to pick Ginny because since Luna is my favorite character, she gets all my love all the time and Hermione is like just known as hardcore female character, especially because the movies gave her all of Ron's prominent lines, but the movies also took away any semblance of personality of Ginny so this is my space to talk about how much I love Ginny. She's badass, she's the closest with Fred and George and gets in on the hijinks, she's strong and opinionated, and she married her celebrity crush from when she was ten. She is everything I aspire to be and more. Rock on. 
  2. Tally Youngblood from the Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld - I like Tally because she's more of an antihero and then not even that and she's not really a "good guy" but she's still the protagonist. She's good but she's naive and then she turns "bad" but then not really  and it's all so twisted and it's so interesting watching her journey and her not really corruption but just the drastic change and I absolutely love her just because she's so dynamic and her entire character kind of hits you like a shard of glass. 
  3. Katsa from the Graceling Realm by Kristin Cashore - I think Graceling is a really underrated book and one of the best parts of the book is the protagonist, Katsa. She's a bit hardheaded, but I prefer the term headstrong. She likes to do things her own way and she's very stubborn and rough around the edges but also very very human which is easy to forget because she acts so tough all the time. I just love her so much and her story is so interesting and watching her interact with other characters is so insightful and you should all read this book. 
  4. Kira Walker from The Partials Sequence by Dan Wells - This was another book I thought was on point and she was such a great character. I liked her take charge nature (I feel like this is a recurring theme) and the way she handled situations and how the book would not have felt so raw and real if her character had been altered in any way.
  5. Liesel Meminger from The Book Thief by Markus Zusak - Sob, Liesel is so adorable. There's the fact that she's a book thief which is like, the best kind of thief to be, but she just has such a good heart and is such a bomb little risk-taker and I'm kindof in love with her. 
Wow it was really hard to only pick five, there are so many strong female characters I love. 

Who are your favorite book heroines?
Let us know in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. Tally is such an awesome pick! I completely forgot about her and I can't believe that I did. She and Shay are the best! Awesome list! I am a new follower. :)
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian
